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NC Department of Health and Human Services
NC DPH: Chronic Disease and Injury Section
N.C. Public Health Home

North Carolina Asthma Program

North Carolina Asthma Program Logo

Children and Asthma

How prevalent is Asthma in North Carolina? What are the rates among ethnic and economic groups? These are just a few of the questions answered by our new demographic fact sheets.

Demographic Fact Sheets

What Does the North Carolina Asthma Program Do?

While North Carolina no longer has a CDC-funded Asthma Control Program, content experts in the NC Division of Public Health work with the Asthma Alliance of North Carolina to reduce the burden of asthma upon the citizens of our state by:

  • Tracking asthma-related disparities and key health outcomes through a statewide asthma surveillance system;
  • Building support for evidence-based interventions to reduce the burden of asthma. This may include working to improve health equity by addressing severe housing problems and other social determinants of health that contribute to asthma related health disparities;
  • Integrating evidence-based clinical, community, and home-based asthma interventions in the work of public health, clinical and community partners;
  • Increasing public awareness of the importance of reducing the burden of asthma and the need for supportive policies and environments;
  • Providing technical assistance and resources to help support local asthma coalitions;
  • Providing support and administration for the statewide asthma coalition, the Asthma Alliance of North Carolina (AANC).